
The Feldenkrais-method is the ideal way of creating a healthier and more mindful lifestyle. As preserving your health and preventing sicknesses is very important to us, we want to enable you to improve your well-being yourself. Through these courses, you will be able to understand your body in different ways and gain more self-awareness, which will benefit you not only physically but also mentally.

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"I don't care about flexible bodys but about flexible minds"

-Dr. M. Feldenkrais

Functional Integration®

Individual courses following the Feldenkrais Method are called Functional Integration®. They allow the FELDENKRAIS® practitioner to respond to the client's individual needs by moving him through gentle, unobtrusive touches. This movement enables the teacher to see existing patterns and restrictions in the student's posture providing completely new information about their body. Amongst other things, the Feldenkrais Method relies on the healing effect of human contact and the idea that you should learn how to detect and resolve physical and mental imbalances on your own.

You learn to notice subconscious and unintentional muscle activity and tensions. Through movement, we will find a way to improve your well-being and let you feel lighter, happier and more mindful.

For more information follow this link.


"Together we will find a way to make you feel better, healthier and lighter"

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